Where The Mystery Begins...and Love Takes Over Carol.L. Exline

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About the author....

Just a little about me....
I was born in the South (Virginia) and raised in the North — in a small rural area in Pennsylvania to be precise. My passion for writing began back in grade school when I wrote mystery stories featuring a group of teenagers. Oh, the numerous school tablets I filled with my scribblings.
In high school, my writing was mainly essays for my brother or classmates who had gotten into trouble at school and had to write their way out. You know what I'm talking about -- "why I'll never smoke in the restroom again." What a skill to have!
Once I discovered "boys" writing of the "fun kind" ceased. I was caught up in the whirlwind of life — dating, proms, schooling, working, more schooling, marriage, and of course, babies —all of which pushed writing further away. At one point, I was going to start my own photography business. That's another passion of mine.
Then about ten years ago, my children were practically grown and I had time to myself again, that need to write returned full force.
During this time, I'd found a job at a small weekly newspaper which helped to fuel my desire to write again, but I wanted to do more. So, I attended a couple writers' workshops, seminars, and lectures. All the while I gathered information, still not having a clue what I was going to do with any of it. Thanks to my job, I met several wonderful authors, publishers, and a literary agent — a dream was formed. 
Thanks to the push of a co-worker, I decided to write a collection of short stories. That didn't exactly work out, because the first story became my first book, Screams In The Dark.
I had no idea that I had that many words inside me. Screams was written in a few short months, followed by a lot of work and meetings with my editor/proofreader, Susie. Since my genre is mystery and I'm using the same characters, I continued writing. Soon, I'd written Haunting Cries in the Mist, followed by Secrets from the Grave and I zoomed on creating the series about to be published.
Something of Interest: The house in the book, Grandville Manor, is based on a house I pass every day to and from work. It's a beautiful old home. Also, the names used in my books are from the area where I grew up and where I work.
None of the characters are based on any one person I know in real life, but a combination of many people who have passed my way and left an impression on my life.
Currently, I have six "characters" in my life who are my support team during the book signings, etc., besides my family. My daughter has excelled in getting the word out and makes the best PR rep I could want. She's impressed me with her talent.
The six characters are high school girlfriends (Betty, Donna, Gloria, Jean, Linda & Rhonda) who've become the best friends a girl could want. And boy, do they make a sizzling impression.
So, if you're wanting to read a book with mystery and a dash of romance, look for me on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Lulu Press. Keep checking my website on a regular basis for each new book released and take a moment to write to me: clexline@gmail.com.
To read more details about the Woodmont Mystery Series check out Coffee Time Updates page.
And remember....
         in the dark of night, always listen for the whippoorwill.

All content belongs to the author.  Carol L. Exline © 2003-2012 /  All Rights Reserved